
初冬舞会 Early Winter Dancing Party

初冬有景秋先知,楓葉飄飞美如诗 。秋末冬初寒意冷,轻歌漫舞情意暖。親愛的朋友们,在感恩节来临之际,我们将举办一台激情浪漫的[舞初冬]舞会。快来跟我们一起舞起来吧,你将是舞池上最炫耀的那颗星! Dear Friends, You are cordially invited to Early Winter Dancing Party on Saturday,November.10 2018. from 8:00 pm. to 11:30 pm. We hope to see you there! Location: Location: New Star Community Art School 392 Hancock ST, North Quincy MA 02174. Ticket: $ 8 .For more information please call Peter 7815216888.